I'm getting back into using Subversion and I'm not sure how to answer a
question a co-worker asked me regarding merging. Can someone please explain
how the following is handled with the following repository structure of our
ASP.NET Intranet site?

Our repository is structured below:

   - Trunk
   - Branches
   - Tags

Now having all production source code witin the Trunk and development within
the Branches, if I'm working on the source of a particular sub-program
within the Branches as well as another developer is working a different
source file also under the same Branch, I've completed my work and am ready
for my changes to be merged back into the Trunk. Is it possible to merge
only my changes back into the Trunk? Becuase the other developer is Unit
Testing his source files, but he's not ready for his changes to be put into
the Trunk yet.

I hope this was clear.


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