Hi All,

These are my doubts.

(1)  When we checkout the project from svn,a new hidden folder .svn also
cmes in to picture.When I opened the folder, I saw these sub folders
prop-base, text-base,props, tmp and files namely,dir-prop-base and
entries.What is the significance of these subfolders and files and how svn
is able to track changes with this hidden folder. I tried googling but
couldn't find useful results.

(2)  Where actually svn keeps the pristine copy..is it in .svn hidden

(3)  Can we set image file as a property value...But as i tried opening from
command prompt (Windows) using propget command...it didn't work..I also
tried retreiving value using subclipse also...it din't work...What can be
the reason?

(4) In subverson 1.7 , every article is talking about next generation
working copy...what exactly does it do..please explain such that a new-bie
like me can understand.They all are talking about centralized meta-data
storage...what does it mean...??..is it a single .svn folder for the whole
project instead of one per folder/subfolder..??

(5) While comparing svn and cvs, it is said that branchin & taggin is faster
in svn than in cvs...I haven't used cvs...Can u explain vat could be the
possible reason...??..svn uses svn copy to branch/tag...bt vat does cvs
use??...& why is it slow?


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