On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 09:27, Ramachandran, Vishwanath(IE10)
<vishwanath.ramachand...@honeywell.com> wrote:
> Hi Michael
> Thanks for the reply. You suggest to go for Merge instead of Copy? Currently
> our SVN server is 1.4.6, we cannot implement Merge here. We are in the
> process of upgrading the server. Any other alternative solution for a
> temporary fix.

Subversion still has merging prior to 1.5, it just doesn't have merge
*tracking*. Use svnmerge.py in the meantime to help keep track of

> From: Michael P. Reilly [mailto:arc...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 7:50 PM
> To: Ramachandran, Vishwanath(IE10)
> Cc: users@subversion.apache.org
> Subject: Re: SVN Copy
> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Ramachandran, Vishwanath(IE10)
> <vishwanath.ramachand...@honeywell.com> wrote:
> Hi there
> In a subversion working copy(XYZ), we are doing development in different
> branches. So the TRUNK contains the code base that is released to market.
> There are different branches which are having different version of XYZ
> source.
> Currently we want to merge XYZ 1.2 version of branch to TRUNK.
> So instead of merge, we thought of doing COPY, because merge will take lot
> of efforts here because the trunk and the branch are different versions
> altogether.
> So for COPY, we are planning to do the following steps.
> 1) Move the TRUNK to a TAG using the SVN MOVE command.
> (2) Copy the XYZ_1.2.0_BUILD24_RELEASE_RC1 TAG to the TRUNK.
> No need to do an explicit delete/commit on the trunk because svn move does a
> svn copy + svn delete and requires an immediate commit.
> Please review the steps and let us know, if its fine in terms of retaining
> SVN history etc….
> Regards
> Vishwanath
> You will not retain the history on the trunk.  The history breaks at the
> point that you issue the move command.  There is a reason why there is a
> 'merge' and there are 'move/copy/delete'.  They are very different and each
> is very necessary in its own way.
> My first reaction to what you are trying to do is EWWWWW.  You're creating a
> huge mess when you want to go back and look at the revision history of your
> code.  You'll have to try to keep track of cross links between branches- why
> does the history of the trunk suddenly stop at revision X and switch to
> branch A?   Why does the history of branch A suddenly switch to the trunk?
> Why can't I look at the history of the trunk older than six months ago
> (assume branch A is five months old)?  How do I get that history back?
> My suggestion to you is to clone the repository and try it out.  Then see
> the ramifications - you will probably not be happy.  I will be much easier
> on you later on to deal with the merge than to try to defeat the software
> and create problems.
>   -Arcege
> --
> There's so many different worlds,
> So many different suns.
> And we have just one world,
> But we live in different ones.

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