On Mar 15, 2010, at 16:12, Jeremy Conlin wrote:

> I'll bet this is an oft asked question on this list.  I'm getting the error:
> svn: Expected FS format '2'; found format '4'
> If I understand correctly, this means that my local version of svn
> differs from the remote version of svn.  Is this right?

No, it means the version of Subversion that is directly reading the repository 
is older than the version of Subversion that created the repository.

"Directly reading" means probably the version of Subversion on the server, 
assuming you are using a repository access protocol other than file:///.

> I installed
> 1.6.9 today on both my local version and my remote version and got the
> above error.  Is there something else that I missed here?

What protocol are you using? If http:// or https:// you may have forgotten to 
update mod_dav_svn as well.

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