> I am trying to run svnserve as a windows service.
> At different places (like http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#svnserve-
> win-service) I found a very good description of what I have to do.
> Unfortunately, when I follow the description, I have no problems
> registering the Windows service (both on Vista and XP) but on both
> systems, I cannot start the service.
> The command I use for registering is:
> sc create svn binpath= "D:\cygwin\bin\svnserve.exe --service -r
> D:\SubVersionReps\Default" displayname= "Subversion Server" depend= Tcpip
> start= auto

Why are you trying to run the Cygwin version of svnserve? I'm pretty sure you 
can only run that if you are in the Cygwin runtime environment. You need to use 
the native windows binaries.


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