> Thank you for your help but I think you may have
> misunderstood my question.
> In your previous email where you showed the content of your
> AuthzSVNAccessFile file as.  What I am looking for is to be
> able to is where you say
> [groups]
> developers = Giulio Troccoli, Harpal Panesar
> I want to be able to say
> developers = CN=*****,OU=Security Groups,... A group I have
> defined in LDAP.
> The groups and user permissions are already defined for other
> applications and services and I do not want to have to manage
> them in LDAP and SVN.  Know of any way of doing that?

Yes, sorry, I misunderstood you. I thought you meant "group" as in "a group in 
the access file", like the developers group I have.

No, I don't think it's possible. The only way I can think of is the script that 
Stefan already suggested.


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