On 4/15/2010 2:17 PM, Bob Archer wrote:
I need to modify a script that was used with CVS that basically got a
list of the files that changed with a specific tag, and acted upon them.
Now we're moving to Subversion, and I need a way to get a list of files
that changed with a tag or revision.

Should I just force the developers into using the revision instead of
the tag? The tag contains every file in that module, so it doesn't help
in this matter.

And is there a way to get a list of files that changed with a changeset
(revision) without having to heavily parse the log output?
I need to list the files that changed in a file to be consumed by
another process, and the file contents need to be just the filename one
on each line. Is there an easy way to do this?

We use cruise control .net and a build runs every time there is a change in 
svn. The build report shows all the files that were changed and includes the 
change log message. So, I'm sure there is a way.

Yep, I found a one-liner to do this..
svn log -q -v -r <rev> <url> | sed -e "s/^ .* //" | egrep -v "^r[0-9]*|Changed Paths:|-----"

This gives me an output looking like this:/ApiTsBridge/trunk/build.properties

Thanks all!

"Dingo" Dave Bartmess
Broomfield, CO. USA

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