[ Taking this discussion back from dev@ to users@ ]

On Fri, May 07, 2010 at 05:15:25PM +1000, Daniel Becroft wrote:
> it sounds
> as though creating branches from mixed-revision working copies will
> cause problems with merging.

The implications of mixed-revision working copies on tree conflicts
have been discussed on the users@ list a lot.
See for instance http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2009-08/0748.shtml

To avoid problems resulting from mixed-revision copies,
URL->URL copies should always be used to create branches.
Use working copy -> URL copies only if you really need to create
copies of things which differ from anything else in the repository,
and know how to deal with consequences.

For instance, the Subversion project itself creates its release
tags from working copies, after adjusting version numbers from
e.g. 1.6.x to something fixed like 1.6.12. This avoids version-numbering
churn on the release branch itself.


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