> Perhaps I should have been more careful in what I wrote. Svn branching
> is easy. It is the results of merge tracking that can be confusing.
> It's good to hear from Mark that this problem is being addressed. I
> think I shall wait until the next release before recommending it to
> colleagues. Otherwise I may get a lot of support calls!
> With best regards
> David

When we have had difficulties with merge tracking it was nearly always in the 
case where someone performed a merge on a subtree and then later wanted to 
merge the entire tree; or did a commit of only part of a branch and later 
wanted to merge the entire branch.  SVN would then complain bitterly about 
mergeinfo.  Merging was much cleaner when we were disciplined about always 
committing and merging from the top of a branch.

With that proviso, merging is straightforward, but it still can be delicate 


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