On 5/24/2010 3:02 PM, Peng Yu wrote:
I have several projects that at most 4 to 5 people are going to work
on. At any particular time, there are are at most 2 or 3 people
working on a same project. It seems that git outperform svn for large
scale projects.

I have read a few webpages on the comparison between svn and git. What
is clear to me is how easy svn is compare with git in command line
mode? It seems that the svn commands are actually longer than git.


Does svn offer all the capability that gits offer in terms of
branching and merging (ignoring performance issues)?

The 'big-picture' difference between git and subversion is that subversion uses a single, central repository where with git, everyone makes a copy of the repository, works with it locally, and may or may not merge the work back. git is better for offline work and making big changes without cooperating with anyone else - but that isn't always a good thing to do. Subversion handles branches just fine, but you need to think about how people doing development will interact before you decide to isolate them in branches. If you want them to quickly take advantage of each others' work, you may want to do most development on the trunk, then branch to freeze features near releases. If you have good network connectivity so working offline isn't an issue, I'd look more at integration with other tools you'll be using as a deciding factor more than the length of any particular command.

  Les Mieksell

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