
> From: nsnc_eee nsnc_eee [mailto:nsnc...@yahoo.co.in] 
> Sent: 17 June 2010 14:07
> Subject: VSS TO SVN Migration Info
> Hi, 
>       This is Sabrinath, i am working as a Build And Release 
> Engineer. I recently joined in other Company where they are 
> using VSS as Source Code repository and i'm new to this. In 
> my prev company we used SVN and i am satisfied with the SVN 
> and its Features. I am planing to Migrate the Source code 
> from VSS to SVN, i had few Q's regd this.
> 1) Is this safe to use Migration Tools to 
> Migrate Source code from VSS to SVN with revison history?
I have done this recently using a tool.  While there may well be issues
in the VSS archive that cause problems (mostly orphaned files), we have
managed to convert all archives so far.

> 2) Please give me the best migration tool 
> that suites VSS to SVN Migartion with revison History?
I recommend you check out http://code.google.com/p/vss2svn/

This one works directly against the VSS files without requiring a VSS
client and bunches file commits into svn revisions based on a time
window (i.e. all updates within a few seconds are probably related).

> 3) Will Subversion is configurable with 
> Eclipse easily?
Check out subclipse, here's a thread at stack overflow:


Good luck,

~ mark c

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