I don't know if this question belongs here or not but in any case, any advice is appreciated.... Originally posted on tigris.org

On Jun 28, 2010, at 10:30 AM, Steve Johnson wrote:

> > I'm not sure this is the correct place to ask this question. Briefly, I am trying to install pysvn using the py26-pysvn-svn156-1.7.1-1233.exe Windows installer. I get an error about Python2.6 not being installe but it is installed (by Cygwin) and it's in my PATH so I wonder what your installer "thinks" it needs to detect Python.
> >
> > Where can I find help with this?
The best place for this question would be the users@subversion.apache.org list.

Subversion, like all Tigris projects, maintains its own mail lists, help resources, and knowledge base. The list you contacted, feedb...@tigris, is only involved in whole-site matters, like maintenance and down-time.

Jack Repenning
Domain Administrator



Steve Johnson, Senior Content Developer

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