On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 5:37 AM, Giulio Troccoli
<giulio.trocc...@uk.linedata.com> wrote:
> I am trying to set Subversion to use https. I have already acquired a 
> certificate from the company CA and set everything up in Apache.
> If if use https the I am asked to accept that the certificate comes from a 
> trusted authority. If I accept it everything works.
> So, I have been instructed to download the company certificate and I'm trying 
> to set it as a trusted CA. I have added the following to ~/.subversion/servers
> ssl-authority-files = /home/svn/LDS.crt
> It's not .pem, but I have been told that it is PEM-encoded. However, if I try 
> with https I get the following error
> svn: Invalid config: unable to load certificate file '/home/svn/LDS.crt'
> I thought it was a permission issue but the file was readable by everyone, 
> and the user who runs Apache is svn as well so Apache (if involved at all) 
> can read it too.
> The server is CentOS 5, SVN is 1.6.9 and Apache is 2.2.13.
> Finally, I know I could accept it permanently but eventually I want to set 
> the ssl-authority-files parameter on the system-wide subversion configuration 
> so that all users automatically accept it.
> Thanks
> Giulio
> Linedata Limited
> Registered Office: 85 Gracechurch St., London, EC3V 0AA
> Registered in England and Wales No 3475006 VAT Reg No 710 3140 03


I remember dealing with it - and I think it is normal that a user has
to accept the certificate once. I may be wrong but I thinkl this may
be by design.


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