On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 16:51, Thomas Garrod <whidbeyto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Bob. I looked at the free book, but it looks word-for-word the same,
> Getting New Data into Your Repository is exactly the same. Can you point me
> to the right place?
> I thought perhaps the information under Initial Check Out would set up an
> initial file structure.
> I tried:
> Macintosh:GraphicArt TommyHome$  svn checkout
> https://ksfgraphics.goolecode.com/svn/trunk/ kwfgraphics --username
> whidbeytomas
> ---and got this:
> svn: OPTIONS of 'https://ksfgraphics.goolecode.com/svn/trunk': Could not
> resolve hostname `ksfgraphics.goolecode.com': Host not found
> (https://ksfgraphics.goolecode.com)

That's not a Subversion error, it's a network error (can't resolve
hostname) because you have a typo. It should be

But when that's corrected, Google reports that it's a bad URL. Make
sure your URLs are right before you panic about not knowing how to use

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