> I am new to any version control system.
> I need to create an environment to test the below.
> How do we create multiple repositries on the Sub version system?
> How to tag the branch looping 20 times?
> Can anyone help me on this.
> Create a large NFS file system for the source control repository and connect 
> it to the Subversion system referred to as Rep1.
> Create a large NFS file system for a second source control repository and 
> connect it to the Subversion system referred to as Rep2.
> Loop the following 20 times to create a deep Subversion repository for Rep1 
> and Rep2:
> [...More stuff...]

I can't imagine why anyone would be doing this -- except if this was a
test of your knowledge.

There is nothing listed in your directions that a person with just a
year or two of Linux experience can't do on their own. Loop 20 times?
Basic stuff in Shell. Create new directories and cd into them?
Beginning shell programming.

The Subversion stuff isn't standard Unix stuff. Actually, it probably
is by now since Subversion comes with all versions of Unix and Linux
(even Mac OS X). But, it shouldn't take more than a few hours to go
through the Subversion manual and find everything you need. The
Subversion manual is one of the best open source manuals I've read. It
goes through the basics of source control, and how Subversion works.
And, you can certainly skip the stuff in the last half of the book (at
least for now).

I've have helped people with complex issues and even written a few
customized pre-commit scripts for people on this list. I've setup test
Subversion servers and mirror repositories to test answers. But your
question is about a very specific task, and a type of task that really
has little to do in the real world. It is the type of task that a
teacher or potential employee would ask ask a test to prove your
competence in what you profess to know.

And, that's where I have to draw the line. I cannot help someone cheat
on a test. Worse, I've been on the short end when it comes to cleaning
up a mess by someone whose credentials didn't mesh with their

In another email on this thread you asked: "Could you please provide
the syntax for tag the branch using svn?"

You need the exact syntax? Go to the Subversion Manual which is on
line. It's at http://svnbook.com. It's the very first entry when you
Google "Subversion Book". Then search for the word "Tag" on the Table
of Contents. That'll point you to Chapter 4. Right there in the top of
Chapter 4, under "Creating a Simple Tag" is the exact syntax you're

Read a bit farther, and it explains:

- But wait a moment: isn't this tag creation procedure the same
procedure we used
- to create a branch? Yes, in fact, it is. In Subversion, there's no
difference between
- a tag and a branch. Both are just ordinary directories that are
created by copying."

If you found this confusing, we'd be happy to clear this up for you.
It's how you learn. But, it appears instead you don't want to bother
with even knowing the information. You merely want someone to do it
for you.

I find having to learn new ideas and ways of doing things the best
part of my job. It's how I learned Subversion. It's how I learned
version control. It's how I learned Perl, Unix administration, shell
scripting, and now Python. In fact, I'm busy rewriting many of my Perl
scripts into Python not because my job requires it, but because it's a
good way to learn Python.

it would take me about 10 minutes or so to bang out a basic outline of
what you want. Heck, most of the people on this list could do it in
five minutes and it'd probably be more error free than the crappy code
that I write. The fact that no one has done this probably means most
people on this list are rather suspicious of your request. It appears
too much like a school assignment rather than something needed for

If you don't know shell scripting, get yourself a good shell scripting
book and learn. In a year or two, you'll find that knowing shell
scripting will get you much farther along in your career. Pick up the
Subversion manual and follow the on line examples. In a week, you'll
know enough to setup repositories and do basic administration. Knowing
Subversion will also help you in your career. After that, learn Git,
Perforce, and CVS, and you'll know enough about version control
systems that you'll be able to pick up any new ones in a few days.

Once you start making an attempt to learn this stuff, you won't have
any troubles finding people willing to help you on this list or
various other places on the Internet.

David Weintraub

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