On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 10:29:20PM +0200, Alexander Wolff wrote:
> hi,
> it seems that svn has a bug when deleting (actually moving) files whose
> name contains spaces, see the following example with the file "Planare
> Graphen II.pdf" that i moved to "v12-planare-graphen-II.pdf".
>  > svn commit
> Deleting       vortraege/v11_dom
> Adding         vortraege/v12_dom
> Deleting       vortraege/v12_dom/Planare Graphen II.pdf
> Adding  (bin)  vortraege/v12_dom/v12-planare-graphen-II.pdf
> svn: Commit failed (details follow):
> svn: '/svn/gka/!svn/bc/215/vortraege/v11_dom/Planare' path not found
> svn: Your commit message was left in a temporary file:
> svn:    '/home/.../svn-commit.2.tmp'
> how can i resolve this issue, that is, remove "Planare Graphen II.pdf"
> from the repository?

Which protocol are you using to contact the repository? http[s]:// or
svn://, or svn+ssh://?

Which operating system are you running on?

Which version of Subversion are you using (both client and server)?
If not 1.6.12, can you try 1.6.12? Thanks.


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