On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 5:49 AM, Nikola Kotur
<nikola.ko...@etondigital.com> wrote:
> Hello all.
> I was unable to find anybody on the net affected with this problem that
> I have.
> Svn repositories are accessed via WebDAV, here's the Apache conf part:
> <Location /repo/project_test>
>  DAV svn
>  SVNPath /var/svn-repos/project_test
>  AuthType Basic
>  AuthName "Subversion Repository"
>  AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/svn_ttt.passwd
>  Require valid-user
>  SSLRequireSSL
> </Location>
> Auth file (/etc/apache2/svn_ttt.passwd) is set properly.
> All files are owned by www-data, and group owned by subversion group.

Including svn_tt.passwd? I suspect not from your reported error. You
shold examine the Apache logs as well to see what they said.

> I am able to checkout, update, modify file, but when I try to add a
> file, I get this message:
> $ svn ci -m 'Test 2'
> Adding         test2.txt
> svn: Commit failed (details follow):
> svn: Server sent unexpected return value (503 Service unavailable) in
> response to PROPFIND request for '/repo/project_test/!
> svn/wrk/b2972884-c634-446e-87d6-df8f4fef1d16/test2.txt'
> svn: Server sent unexpected return value (503 Service unavailable) in
> response to PROPFIND request for '/repo/project_test/test2.txt'
> What could be the issue here?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Nikola Kotur
> nikola.ko...@etondigital.com

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