
the client and server information is part of the HTTP header information.
You could use apache's mod_rewrite to rout the call to an additional (warpper) 
script on the server to get this information.

Could you please clarify more about what information is to be displayed and how 
the use case scenario looks like?

Beste Grüße,
kind regards,
Volker Kopetzky
vzk Beratung
Germany & Thailand

phone +49.6809.2163.30
phone +
skype volker.kopetzky
email v...@vzkb.de
wsite http://www.vzkb.de

Am 28.07.2010 um 11:30 schrieb ram kumar:

We are using http protocal. Please find the server and client details below. We 
have to popup some window on the client machine either in pre or post commit 
Prototype is working fine so need to know how to get the client ip adress or 
hostnmae in pre/post commit trigger.
SVN Server: Linux
SVN Clients: Windows XP
> Hi,
> I need your help.
> I need the client host information in either pre or post-commit trigger.
Good luck with that!! If you're using a single protocol of access, such as 
ssh+svn or HTTPS, it's conceivable that you could adopt a wrapper to do 
something clever and deduce the hostname. But it seems awkward.
Why do you want this?

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