On Jul 29, 2010, at 15:40, David Weintraub wrote:

> Subversion is known for simplicity, ease of use, but speed isn't one
> of them. The entire .svn directory thing slows Subversion down --
> especially since the entire diff is kept in there.

I wouldn't say Subversion is inherently slow at all. Yes, scanning the .svn 
directories takes time if you have a large number of directories in your 
working copy, but that's being totally reworked for version 1.7 so it shouldn't 
be a problem much longer.

> I believe you can have a Subversion repository run using both the
> svn:// protocol and the http:// protocol at the same time (Is this
> true? Somebody respond).

Yes, there is a section of the book explaining how to do this.


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