On Jul 29, 2010, at 20:47, Chris Velevitch wrote:

> In a project, we originally created a branch because we need to create
> a system which was basically a variation of the original project and
> share the common unchanged code with the trunk.
> Since then, the trunk has now gone into end of life and so I want cut
> the trunk off at the branch point and cut and graft the branch into
> the trunk without losing any of the version history that has occurred
> after the branch and keep it's linage intact.
> How do I do that?

I'm not familiar with your "cut" and "graft" terminology, but I think what 
you're asking is accomplished by doing:

svn rm $URL/trunk -m "Delete old trunk"

svn mv $URL/branches/thebranch $URL/trunk -m "Make branch thebranch the new 

The history of branch thebranch is of course preserved.

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