On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 4:22 AM, Pathy Kongo <pathyko...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I develop a web-based application that send command to a subversion Server
> using the Subversion command line client svn
> I create several files and use the svn propset command to add properties on
> files. There is a lot of properties (almost 15 by file), so it takes a lot
> of time.
> My question is : how can set several properties on a file using only one
> command ? ie svn propset prop1 val1 prop2 val2 file

'svnmucc' (Subversion Multiple URL Command Client) can do this.  It
can even do it in the same transaction as adding a file and I believe
it can do multiple revprops in a single gesture too (though obviously
they don't go into a new revision so that's less relevant).

I don't think svnmucc is in most distributions though - I have it via
a sliksvn install.


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