On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 15:49, Daniel Shahaf <d...@daniel.shahaf.name> wrote:
> In the future, could you just type the error messages instead of attaching
> jpegs.

On Windows, the content of any pop-up like the one attached here can
be copied to the clipboard via CTRL-C (this isn't a well-advertised
feature). Then the full error message can be pasted here without risk
of typos.

> * I don't read non-text attachments on this list.  And I don't think I'm
>  alone at that.
> * that way is more friendly to search engines
> Patrick Fletcher wrote on Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 12:53:09 -0400:
>> Hello,
>> The following error occurred when trying to update a working copy using
>> Tortoise. The working copy was cleaned up, tried to update again, same
>> message. Deleting entire working copy and checking out HEAD again had no
>> problems. I searched the mailing list for related posts and could not find
>> anything related besides commit messages. Any ideas as to what might have
>> caused this?
>> A different error (or message) occurred when trying to update through
>> Subclipse:
>> Working copy pc:
>> Server pc:
>> Patrick Fletcher
>> Marquis Software Development
>> Business Phone: (850) 877-8864 x132
>> Business Fax: (850) 877-0359

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