Just an FYI for anyone that does merging.

I just spent an hour cleaning up a mess with my mergeinfo's. I missed a hint 
that I was about to do something really stupid. 

Here's the merge: 

[rele...@zaz1 rel_2_5]$ svn merge $B/rel_2_5_3
--- Merging r14352 through r14594 into '.':
U    lcast/build/images/nand/root/lcast/etc/post_install.sh
U    lcast/build/images/nand/root/lcast/etc/lc_UpdateNOR.sh
 G   .
[rele...@zaz1 rel_2_5]$ svn commit -m 'merge from rel_2_5_3 of a fix made in 
Sending        .
Sending        lcast/build/images/nand/root/lcast/etc/lc_UpdateNOR.sh
Sending        lcast/build/images/nand/root/lcast/etc/post_install.sh
Transmitting file data ..
Committed revision 14595.

The hint I missed was the G next to the '.'. That should have told me that 
there were changes in my workspace, and since I never knowingly commit local 
changes and merges at the same time, I should have stopped right there.

Also, I have some tools that I use to keep track of branches and stuff. Is 
there a good place to publish them? 


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