On Mon, Sep 06, 2010 at 02:44:30AM -0700, Ungruhe, Michael wrote:
> The "merge user" is just a user account. Since we noticed that the
> problem described earlier only occurs when the merging is made by
> different users (on different user accounts), we created a new user
> account (called mergeuser) that all developers use for merging (and
> reintegration). So the users itself are still different, but they use
> the same account.

Ok, but do you have answers to my questions regarding mergeinfo?

I'm trying to figure out where your problem is coming from, and so far,
it sounds like one or more of your developers are doing merges in a way
that prevents mergeinfo from being recorded correctly, for whatever reason.

Another question: Do you use path-based authorisation? Do the accounts
involved in the merges all have the same set of permissions, or are
there differences that might explain your problems?


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