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        From: Allen Williams []
        Sent: 06 September 2010 15:28
        Subject: Fwd: Repository Directory Tree

        I send this email out about once a month or so in what is becoming the 
vain hope I'll get a response...

        My subversion repository is in /var/svn. Somehow (and, yes, I'm new; 
I'm evaluating it), I've wound up with the following directory structure in my 
subversion repository:


        In other words, to do a list of the repositories, I have to do:

        svn listfile:///var/svn/var/svn

        to get my projects listed.

        I've tried to do an svnadmin dump and load with --parent-dir, and that
        didn't work. This was the command line sequence after I had made a copy
        of the repository in /var/svn.sav:

        svnadmin dump /var/svn.sav> old_repos
        rm -r/var/svn/*
        svnadmin create /var/svn
        svnadmin load --parent-dir / /var/svn< old_repos

        But, even though I had parent-dir as / (to try to eliminate one of the
        /var/svn's), I still got /var/svn/var/svn/projects.

        What is the way to do this?


Is /var/svn one repository and proj1/2/3 directories inside it? or are 
proj1/2/3 three separate repositories? How did you create you repository or 

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