On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Phillip Gussow <pgus...@cordys.com> wrote:
> Hi group,
> I’m running into a situation where I need to know all locks that exist on a
> certain repository path.
> I know there is the svnadmin lslocks command. Which is in general what I
> need, but I need to do it on an URL, because I don’t have access to the
> server path.
> Back ground: we’re using a software package which utilizes the locks in SVN
> to prevent editing of unmergable content. But sometimes the product puts
> ‘illegal’ locks on some files without showing their end users.
> So what I would like is to ask SVN for a list of all paths that are locked.
> So something like this:
> svn lslocks https://server/svn/repository_name/project1/trunk
> Which produces something like this:
> user1     2010-09-16 10:00:00 /folder1/folder2/file.txt
>                                 The comment
> user3     2010-09-16 10:00:00 /folder1/folder2//folder3/something.jsp    The
> comment
> user1     2010-09-16 10:00:00 /folder1/morefile.xml
>                                 The comment
> Do I need to log a feature request for this? And if yes, how should I phrase
> this?
> Or is there some other way to achieve this? Keep in mind that I have to be
> able to run this on a URL from any client (of course using proper SVN
> credentials J )

Could you use something like the python bindings to open a connection
to the repository and fetch the locks yourself?


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