On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 1:15 AM, Tech Geek <techgeek12...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So why don't we have (read as a feature) something like this:
> # svnadmin create --tbt new_repo
> and a repositroy with following strcuture is created (automatically)
> # ls /var/lib/svn/new_repo
> branches
> tags
> trunk

It would be useful, but maybe not as useful as you think. Most places
use a single repository for multiple projects, and prefer to keep the
trunk, tags, and branches directories under their projects and not at
the root of their repositories.

Remember that the "branches", "tags", and "trunk" are simply
"recommendations" and not requirements. I might want to use "main",
"labels", and "branches" if I am at a sight that are more use to those
terms. Or, if I'm working for a non-English speaking company, I might
prefer to call these directories in my local language.

The "svncreate" command isn't a very common command to run. (How many
times do you have to create repositories at a particular site
anyway?). So, even though this would be a nifty feature, it isn't much
of a time saver.

David Weintraub

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