> Hi all,
> I'm new to subversion. I used CVSNT before.
> Because a single svn commit will result in a whole new 
> revision tree, so currently I commit all changes once per day 
> after work (to avoid too many revisions because of my old CVS habit).

There's no particular reason to do that.  Essentially subversion does all the 
record keeping for you so you can get back to any one revision.  It does so 
better than CVS did.

> But I'm afraid it's not a proper way, so:
> - Should file A and B be commited separately?
> - Should file A be commited more than once per day?
> - How to issue these commits when there's 1 single subversion user?
> - How to issue these commits in team working project?
> Any advice will be appreciated.

Best advice is to have everyone commit when they are ready to commit.  Waiting 
too long increases the chance of a conflict.  SVN is designed to have multiple 
(even hundreds) clients all working with a central repository.  It takes a lot 
of the hard work about merging the changes from different users.  If everyone 
commits regularly, then you might get the occaisional message to update your 
local working copy before you commit--but that's about it.

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