To build an 'svn' client that speaks only ra_svn protocol, you'll need
to port only apr and apr-util.  No sqlite, no serf, no neon, no bdb.

You'll need to hack the build scripts to support such a client build.

(Oh, and the ra_svn protocol may be easier to reimplement than the
ra_dav protocol.)

Ryan Schmidt wrote on Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 06:56:51 -0500:
> On Oct 18, 2010, at 06:42, Andrew Roughan wrote:
> > Porting the full svn client to my environment is not something I am willing 
> > to undertake myself.
> > So as an alternative I wanted to implement some Quick & Dirty interface 
> > over HTTP hopefully with a cleartext password.
> > Is there a document that describes the http interfaces to svn server for 
> > each function?
> Subversion uses many other libraries to get its job done, including apr and 
> apr-util, expat, neon or serf, sqlite and others, and Subversion is itself 
> divided into several libraries that carry out the various tasks. I think if 
> the Subversion developers could have might Subversion lighter, they would 
> have, and I don't think you will be able to make any such "quick and dirty" 
> client without having to reimplement most of Subversion, which, as you may 
> know, represents ten years worth of work.
> What is this mysterious environment you have where Subversion does not 
> already run?
> To answer your question, the Subversion HTTP interface is WebDAV, so you can 
> read up on that.

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