On Friday 22 October 2010, mfass wrote:
> I have two subversion servers.  One is an open source repository not
> controlled by me, and the other is a closed source repository which is
> controlled by me.  Both the open source and the closed source build
> together to make one set of software.  The closed source is a firewalled
> server at my place of employment.  Currently we are in need to rename the
> project for a launch announcement at an upcoming conference.
> Becasue of the sensitive nature of the announcement, we cannot make the
> changes to the open source (sourceforge) project because our hosting
> service will not temporarily restrict anonymous access to the source code
> to just commiter's.
> To workaround this, we decided that we will pull the source code from the
> sourceforge project, into our internal, closed source repository.  We then
> want to make the changes, and once the announcement of the naming etc. has
> been done, we can merge back to our sourceforge project the naming changes
> that were made.
> I was thinking of doing it via svn copy from one project to the other, and
> then taking the diff and copying back as we need.

As mentioned, svn copy only works within a single repository.

Suggestion: You can export from one and import into the other using the same 
strategy as for a "vendor branch", which is explained in the SVN book. You 
can then modify and test your changes locally, until you are satisfied with 

Once that is done, you simply commit those changes to the source repository. 
For that, you could use the same tool as for creating the vendor branch. Be 
aware though, that this will sync the repository with a source tree, so if 
any changes were made in between pulling the tree and pushing the tree, those 
will be lost. You should consider using a feature branch or maybe just using 
a working copy that is synced with both changes from upstream and local 
changes due to the name change, but that requires some manual care.


ML: http://subversion.apache.org/docs/community-guide/mailing-lists.html
FAQ: http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html
Docs: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/

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Geschäftsführer: Thorsten Föcking, Amtsgericht Hamburg HR B62 932

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