In case you are using LDAP authentication against an Microsoft Active
Directory, please check your date and time settings including timezone. Your
apache server (where your svn server is running behind) is an authentication
client for the Windows Server and if there is a small difference between
their clocks then authentication may present this exact behavior.

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Cooke, Mark [] 
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 25 de outubro de 2010 03:43
Para: users
Cc: Andrey Repin; David Darj
Assunto: RE: Subversion 1.6.13 Released

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Darj [] 
> Sent: 24 October 2010 22:48
> To: users
> Cc: Andrey Repin
> Subject: Re: Subversion 1.6.13 Released
>   On 2010-10-24 20:12, Andrey Repin wrote:
> > Greetings, David Darj!
> >
> > David, I have a strange issue with binaries you provided.
> > I'm using SVN repository served by Apache under Win32.
> >
> > In attachment is a httpd-modules-svn.conf - module loading.
> > Enabling it... here:
> >
> > <VirtualHost *>
> >      ServerName svn.darkdragon
> >      ServerAlias
> >
> >      DocumentRoot "C:/home/svn"
> >      AddDefaultCharset utf-8
> >
> >      ErrorLog "C:/home/svn/.log/error_log"
> >      CustomLog "C:/home/svn/.log/access_log" common env=!SVN-ACTION
> >      CustomLog "C:/home/svn/.log/svn_access_log" svn env=SVN-ACTION
> >
> >      <IfModule rewrite_module>
> > <some rewrite rules, they are convoluted and pretty much 
> meaningless>
> >      </IfModule>
> >
> >      <Location "/">
> > #        AllowOverride Limit AuthConfig
> > #        Options None
> >          Order allow,deny
> >          Allow from
> >
> >          <IfModule dav_svn_module>
> >              DAV svn
> >              SVNParentPath "C:/home/svn"
> >          </IfModule>
> >
> >          <IfModule sspi_auth_module>
> >              Allow from all
> >
> >              AuthName "Subversion repository"
> >              AuthType SSPI
> >              SSPIAuth On
> >              SSPIAuthoritative On
> >              SSPIOfferBasic On
> >              SSPIOmitDomain On
> >              SSPIUsernameCase lower
> >              SSPIBasicPreferred Off
> >
> >              # only developers may access the repository
> >              Require group "DAEMON1\CVS"
> >
> >              # And they should obey to SVN user permissions file
> >              <IfModule authz_svn_module>
> >                  AuthzSVNAccessFile "C:/home/svn/.registry"
> >              </IfModule>
> >          </IfModule>
> >      </Location>
> > </VirtualHost>
> >
> >
> > Everything works fine, when I operate with small files.
> > But once I start submittings megabytes of data (~500 files, 
> ~10Mb size total),
> > Subversion start to break on authorization, randomly asking 
> for password or
> > username, again and again.
> >
> > I don't quite know, if it is specific to your builds, or is a bug in
> > Subversion. I'll be glad to present any additional info.
> >
> >
> > --
> > WBR,
> >   Andrey Repin ( 24.10.2010,<21:54>
> >
> > Sorry for my terrible english...
> Hi Andrey
> I have no problem committing several hundreds om MB.
> I got no possibility to test with SSPI authentication though. Can you 
> test without it and see if it works?
> /David
I am using SSPI alongside David's 1.6.13 builds (thanks again, David!)
on apache on a windoze server box with no problems.

>From recent list traffic, issues with large commits failing seem to be
related to timeout issues, search through the recent list for timeout
and see if any of the suggestions there can help you.

Good luck!

~ mark c

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