
We're running Subversion 1.6.12 on a Solaris 10 machine and hosting 
repositories on it. Users can create and use repositories via svnadmin and svn 
locally on the Solaris machine via file:///<file:///\\>, or they can check in 
and out via TortoiseSVN 1.6.8 on their PC via the http:///<http://> protocol, 
with LDAP verification.

For a while this worked flawlessly, but then the machines were reconfigured and 
we can't get it to work. We can either create and use the repositories locally 
but not through Tortoise (we get the permission denied on txn-current-lock 
error) or we can use Tortoise but then not check in locally (failed due to 
attempt to write a readonly database).

We've read the help on Supporting Multiple Repository Access Methods at 
http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/svn.serverconfig.multimethod.html and have 
tried those steps, though we're not sure what user should initially own the 
repository (webservd, daemon?).

If anyone could point to us to further online docs or pointers we'd appreciate 


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