
I've got about 20 repos that have been successfully syncing (with
svnsync) to two read only copies for a few months. The r/w copy and
both r/o copies are located on a local LAN (different subnets
separated by firewalls).

Today, the sync process started failing on 1 repo (all others were
unaffected) on both r/o copies at the exact same time/same revision
with errors similar to the following...

Transmitting file data .svnsync: Base checksum mismatch on
   expected:  2f2e025c4c4855e7466799a877b3e23d
     actual:  272214b9518d352e16e7eeceeb22f573

I successfully removed the uncommitted transactions (svnadmin rmtxns
reponame `svnadmin lstxns reponame`) and attempted the  re-sync,  to
no avail.

svnadmin verify returned no errors

I ended up  re-creating the r/o repo and then re-syncing all 65k
commits to the repos (which takes a while...)

Software binaries from Collabnet:
r/w version = svn/svnsync, version 1.6.13 (r1002816)
r/o 1 version = svn/svnsync, version 1.6.13 (r1002816)
r/o 2 version = svn/svnsync, version 1.6.13 (r1002816)

Is there a better approach to resolving the issue
Am I running into a known issue?

Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated.


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