SvnAnt tasks return information to the caller by setting various properties.

The caller can have the library apply prefixes to these properties.

There are inconsistencies in how prefixes are applied to these properties.

Here's an example:

  <typedef resource="org/tigris/subversion/svnant/svnantlib.xml" />
    <info target="." propPrefix=""/>
    <wcversion path="." prefix="svn.wcv."/><!-- extra dot -->
  <echoproperties prefix="svn"/>

svn.wcvmodified=true  - without extra dot
svn.wcv.modified=true - with extra dot

The dot after "svn.wcv" shouldn't be required to get the latter version. The 
dot is automatically inserted for <info/>, and that seems correct to me: it's 
what I expected.

Also, a consistent name for the prefixing attribute might increase 

Otherwise, thanks for a very useful library!

Michael Ludwig

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