I don't know if I replied correctly the first time:

>First. LDAP (authentication) is only 1/2 of the big picture. You will
>still need configure authorization on the repo's themselves.

I have done that.  Each repo have it's own configuration file. That is 
this portion:
<Location /repository_name>
 dav svn
 SVNPath /disk01/home/repository_name
 AuthType Basic
 AuthBasicProvider ldap-FCGNET ldap-VIET
 AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
 AuthName "CSC Subversion Repository"
 Require valid-user
 Require ldap-group CN=AD Goup Name,OU=Europe,OU=Groups,DC=fcg,DC=com
 Require ldap-user pmoss

>Second, Its hard to help troubleshoot when you don't provide useful
>information or a direct question. Was there  something you needed help
>with? I didnt see any questions other than "Can someone lend a hand in
>figuring out what I have done wrong, or need to do?"

1. I need to be able to lock down each repository to allow only the users, 
within the associated AD group, to have access to the repository.
2. At the same time I need to be able to allow my, single, user account 
access to the repositories, without having to be added to every AD group.
I have not done that successfully.
Right now all users can access all repositories,

What I have tried so far:
I thought the "Require ldap-group" line locked access down to allow only 
the users in the group access to the repo.  That is not the case.

I tried adding the AuthnProviderAlias lines to each config file, but I get 
an error because it only needs to be defined once. So, I added the lines 
to the very first repository configuration file.

I tried removing the "Require valid-user" line; but that then doesn't 
allow any access at all.

System Engineer Sr. Professional

575 E. Swedesford Road, Suite 300, Wayne, PA 19464
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opensrcguru <opensrcg...@gmail.com>
Patricia A Moss/USA/c...@csc
11/09/2010 09:22 AM
Re: locking down access to a repository

On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 7:12 AM, Patricia A Moss <pmo...@csc.com> wrote:
> I think this is the correct mailing list for this question.
> I am LDAP authenticating against 2 domain controllers; in 2 different
> locations.
> I thought that I was locking down each repository to allow only users,
> included in a specific AD group, to have read/write access to a 
> I say supposedly because apparently the second part is not working. 
> now, anyone can access any repository. Can someone lend a hand in 
> out what I have done wrong, or need to do?
> Here is what I have:
> I've configured my ldap aliases as follows:
> <AuthnProviderAlias ldap ldap-FCGNET>
>         AuthLDAPBindDN FCGNET\svnuser
>         AuthLDAPBindPassword xxxxxxxxx
>         AuthLDAPURL
> ldap://xxxxxx.fcg.com:3268/DC=fcg,DC=com?samAccountName?sub?
> (objectCategory=person)
> </AuthnProviderAlias>
> <AuthnProviderAlias ldap ldap-VIET>
>         AuthLDAPBindDN "CN=fcgvuser,OU=Service
> Accounts,OU=Users,OU=Production,DC
> =vdc,DC=csc,DC=com"
>         AuthLDAPBindPassword xxxxxxxxxxx
>         AuthLDAPURL 
> mAccountName?sub?(objectCategory=person)
> </AuthnProviderAlias>
> Then in each, specific repositorry configuration file, I have the 
> <Location /FDCertifications>
> dav svn
> SVNPath /disk01/home/FDCertifications
> AuthType Basic
> AuthBasicProvider ldap-FCGNET ldap-VIET
> AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
> AuthName "CSC Subversion Repository"
> Require valid-user
> Require ldap-group CN=PRJ 
> Require ldap-user pmoss
> </Location>
> I thought the "Require ldap-group" line locked access down to allow only 
> users in the group access to the repo.  That is not the case though.
> Everyone can access any repository; as long as they have an FCGNET 
> I tried adding the AuthnProviderAlias lines to each config file, but I 
> an error because it only needs to be defined once.
> I tried removing the "Require valid-user" line; but that then doesn't 
> any access.
> Have any clues what I am doing wrong?  Thanks.
> System Engineer Sr. Professional

First. LDAP (authentication) is only 1/2 of the big picture. You will
still need configure authorization on the repo's themselves.

These may be of assistance in configuring authorization (depending on
your needs):


Second, Its hard to help troubleshoot when you don't provide useful
information or a direct question. Was there  something you needed help
with? I didnt see any questions other than "Can someone lend a hand in
figuring out what I have done wrong, or need to do?"

kind regards,


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