> But if I remove that line then no one can access the repository
Most likely because something else in the configuration isn't quite right...  I 
would suggest setting things up and testing with one LDAP server at a time to 
verify the configuration of each before trying to combine them.
<Location /svn>
  AuthName "Subversion Server"
  AuthType Basic
  AuthBasicAuthoritative On
  AuthBasicProvider ldap
  # If ldap checks are used with non-ldap ("valid-user"), set this to off
  AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
  AuthLDAPBindDN CN=ADMIN,OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=comp,DC=company,DC=com
  AuthLDAPBindPassword pa$$w0rd

<Location /svn/bu/repo1>
     DAV svn
     SVNPath /Repositories/bu/repo1
     SVNPathAuthz off
     #1 The following users/groups will have read-write permission
     Require ldap-group 
     Require ldap-group CN=Admins,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=comp,DC=company,DC=com
     Require ldap-user someid
     #2 For any read-only operation, allow these additional users/groups
        Require valid-user

I know this works. After the "#1" line, add "Require" directives for all the 
groups/users that should read-write access.  After the "#2" line, add any 
"Require" directives for any groups/users that should also have read-only 
access.  In this example, "Require valid-user" is used to mean that any 
authenticated user has read-only access to the repository.
The first Location block must come first; repeat the second Location block as 
many times as necessary for each repository.


From: Patricia A Moss [mailto:pmo...@csc.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 9:42 AM
To: kmra...@rockwellcollins.com
Cc: users@subversion.apache.org
Subject: Re: locking down access to a repository

>I don't think you want the "Require valid-user" line, since by default it uses 
>ANY of the Require lines as matches.  (And in your case valid-user matches all 
>users so it doesn't care you are also specifying a group and an user.) 

But if I remove that line then no one can access the repository. 

System Engineer Sr. Professional

From:   kmra...@rockwellcollins.com 
To:     Patricia A Moss/USA/c...@csc 
Cc:     users@subversion.apache.org 
Date:   11/09/2010 10:38 AM 
Subject:        Re: locking down access to a repository


Stefan Sperling <s...@elego.de> wrote on 11/09/2010 08:34:37 AM:
> > I've configured my ldap aliases as follows:
> > <AuthnProviderAlias ldap ldap-FCGNET>
> >         AuthLDAPBindDN FCGNET\svnuser
> >         AuthLDAPBindPassword xxxxxxxxx
> >         AuthLDAPURL 
> > ldap://xxxxxx.fcg.com:3268/DC=fcg,DC=com?samAccountName?sub?
> > (objectCategory=person)
> > </AuthnProviderAlias>
> > <AuthnProviderAlias ldap ldap-VIET>
> >         AuthLDAPBindDN "CN=fcgvuser,OU=Service 
> > Accounts,OU=Users,OU=Production,DC
> > =vdc,DC=csc,DC=com"
> >         AuthLDAPBindPassword xxxxxxxxxxx
> >         AuthLDAPURL ldap://xxxxx.vdc.csc.com:3268/DC=vdc,DC=csc,DC=com?sa
> > mAccountName?sub?(objectCategory=person)
> > </AuthnProviderAlias>
> > 
> > Then in each, specific repositorry configuration file, I have the 
> > following:
> > <Location /FDCertifications>
> > dav svn
> > SVNPath /disk01/home/FDCertifications
> > AuthType Basic
> > AuthBasicProvider ldap-FCGNET ldap-VIET
> > AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
> > AuthName "CSC Subversion Repository"
> > Require valid-user
> > Require ldap-group CN=PRJ 
> > FDCertifications,OU=Europe,OU=Groups,DC=fcg,DC=com
> > Require ldap-user pmoss
> > </Location>

I don't think you want the "Require valid-user" line, since by default it uses 
ANY of the Require lines as matches.  (And in your case valid-user matches all 
users so it doesn't care you are also specifying a group and an user.) 

Kevin R. 

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