Hi San,

On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 3:20 PM, San Martino <sanmrt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010/11/12 Erik Huelsmann <ehu...@gmail.com>:
>>> Do you think Subversion scales well for the following case, where
>>> /trunk contains about 5000 files and its size is 500Mb
>>> development requires 10 commits per day, 2-3 files changed per commit
>>> on average.
>>> Each commit is tagged (yes) from /trunk on the repository. How we will
>>> test the tag is a separate issue.
>> Why would you want to tag each commit? A commit is a tag in itself:
>> there's a unique identifier to refer to the entire commit. This wasn't
>> the case in PVCS, RCS and CVS, but there's really no reason to tag
>> each and every commit; if you want to check out what got committed,
>> just use the revision number!
> Basically we need to test each commit from /tag while others proceed
> on /trunk. Before we used to lock - modify - TEST [- correct bugs]
> unlock. This really slows down the development because TEST is a long
> period while development needs to be very frequent. Now with
> Subversion we want to profit by concurrent progrommaing and testing.

You can continue on trunk/ even if you're testing an older revision of
it. Why do you need it to be in /tags before you can test it? What/why
would testing on trunk/ block your coding work on trunk?

My point is: in subversion trunk/ is an endless string of tags,
identified by their (global!) revision number. There's no need to stop
working on trunk while you test older versions. If you look at this

that's what the Subversion team itself is doing: commits keep coming
in; the builders lag, but catch up eventually (mostly at night :-)
We're 100% sure the builders get coherent snapshots, because that's
what the global revision number gives us.



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