On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 12:23 AM, Edward Ned Harvey <s...@nedharvey.com> wrote:
>> From: Nico Kadel-Garcia [mailto:nka...@gmail.com]
>> RHEL 5 still directly only provides Subversion 1.4.2. EPEL will not
> replace it in
> On RHEL4 / RHEL5, I find it ridiculously easy to build svn from source.
> Here is my build script:

Great: now reliably provide HTTP/HTTPS access for offsite repository
use, configure mod_dav_svn for local HTTP and HTTPS server usage,
utilities with configuration files, and assure that ssn+ssh discovered
all the necessary libraries. Oh, you didn't have the include files
installed for those and therefore ./configure didn't detect them?
Whoops! Guess those parts all got left out of our script! And don't
forget the sqlite version issues!!!

Sorry if I seem a bit cross about this, but I recently had to clean up
after someone's version that compiled this carelessly, as a matter of
course. It's generally a lot safer to build from an RPM or other
controlled build environment to assure that such components aren't
left out carelessly.

Also, running copies of 1.6.12 and the default 1.4.2 on the same host
or in the same working environments is begging for pain due to
auto-upgrade when touching working copies with 1.6.12.

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