> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Weintraub [mailto:qazw...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: 15 November 2010 13:36
> To: Neson Maxmelbin (RBEI/EMT5)
> Cc: users@subversion.apache.org
> Subject: Re: SVN Migration from VSS
> On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 7:28 AM, Neson Maxmelbin (RBEI/EMT5)
> <maxmelbin.ne...@in.bosch.com> wrote:
> >
> > I did a migrate of a project from VSS to SVN using the 
> migrate.pl from
> > 
> http://neilsleightholm.blogspot.com/2007/08/migrating-from-vis
> > .
> >
> > Migration was ok . But I cant see the VSS labels been migrated?
> > Is there a way to migrate the VSS labels also to some form in SVN?
> There are a few other VSS to SVN conversion utilities out there. The
> one I'm most familar with are the tools from Polarion
> <http://www.polarion.com/products/svn/svn_importer.php>. You might
> want to try theirs and see if you get better results. There's also a
> vss2svn project at http://www.pumacode.org/projects/vss2svn. Again,
> take their utility for a spin and see what the results look like.
Vss2svn has moved to http://code.google.com/p/vss2svn/ but is no longer
in active development.  There is a mailing list and there have been a
few questions/answers over the last few months but it is not exactly
high traffic.  However, we used this to convert some repositories with
success, the labels are imported into a /labels/ folder.  If your
archive contains multiple projects then you may need to do a bit of work
filtering the labels into separate tags folders but that's up to you.
In the end we mostly extracted (dump filtered) the projects that were
still active into new svn repositories and left the whole converted
archive repo as read-only access for reference.

> Again, your best choice for support on these VSS to SVN projects are
> from the sites that offer these projects.
> Please let us know what you find, so others who are in the same
> situation can benefit from your knowledge. We're all volunteers here.
> Most of us are on this list to get help, and some of us can
> occasionally offer help in as a way of paying back the help we
> previously had.
> And, if you do use Subversion, I highly recommend keeping your
> subscription on this list. It's a great way to learn about Subversion,
> its problems, and the best ways to use it.
I second that, I learn a lot from this list...

~ mark c

> Sorry I couldn't be any more help.
> -- 
> David Weintraub
> qazw...@gmail.com

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