Daniel Shahaf <d.s <at> daniel.shahaf.name> writes:

> Stefan Sperling wrote on Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 18:13:44 +0100:
> > On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 03:06:19PM +0000, LiuYan 刘研 wrote:
> > > I mean, if the revprops files are not in UTF-8 encoding, don't return 
> Small correction: it's meaningless to talk about the encoding of the
> revprop files; it's only meaningful to talk about the encoding of the
> value of a given property.
> (At the revprop files level, the values are binary, and the rest of the
> data in those files is always ASCII.)

You're right Daniel, but in such situation, these revprop files can be treated 
as readable text files:
administra...@cmtel-svr-hr-db /cygdrive/d/SVNRepositories/repos/cmcc/db
$ file revprops/0/1 fix-backup/0/1
revprops/0/1:   UTF-8 Unicode text
fix-backup/0/1: ISO-8859 text

Thanks for the correction Daniel! (^_^)

And, I've post this to buglist here:

Wish it can be accepted and fixed.

Liu Yan

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