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-----Original Message-----

> From: Johan Corveleyn [mailto:jcor...@gmail.com]
> Sent: 13 December 2010 20:04
> To: users@subversion.apache.org
> Subject: Archiving Projects (End-Of-Life)
> Hi,
> I'm wondering if there is a (de-facto) standard way of "end-of-lifing"
> projects in an SVN repository, or any suggestions for this
> from other users on this list ...
> With End-Of-Life I mean there will be no further maintenance
> on that project, no more development, no more releases or
> patches, no more users. It's really dead. But sometimes one
> might want to take a look at the old code, check out its
> history, maybe even resurrect it, ...
> I would like to get those projects out of sight, so it's more
> clear what the active projects are. (I'm not talking about
> "obliterating", to reclaim disk space or anything like that,
> quite the contrary: I want to have them still available, just
> ... less visible).
> I know I could just "svn rm" them, but some of the "project owners"
> feel a little bit uneasy about that. They consider it
> "probable" that they will need to take another look at them
> sometime in the future.
> And as we all know, it's not so easy to find a deleted
> file/directory/project again (to find out what the latest
> revision was in which the project still existed).
> My repository is currently structured as:
> trunk
>   \--project1
>   \--project2
>   \--...
> branches
> tags
> But I think the question is more or less the same if it's
> structured in the other standard way (projects/TTB).
> Currently I have two options in mind:
> - Move the EOL'ed projects to a new directory "archive", a new "root"
> directory next to TTB.
> - Move the EOL'ed projects to a tag (maybe also in an "archive"
> subdirectory, under tags). If it ever needs to be
> resurrected, it can be easily copied from that tag.
> Thoughts? Other ideas? Pros and cons?

Maybe I'm missing something, but since you have a tags directory I guess you 
did tag your last release of the project. So why not just simply (svn) delete 
the project from trunk? The whole history is preserved in the latest tag for 
that project, is it not?


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