On Mon, Jan 03, 2011 at 12:51:41PM -0500, Karl Fogel wrote:
> Due to some recent press releases and blog posts by WANdisco, Inc, the
> Apache Software Foundation has felt it necessary to post a response:
>   https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/entry/apache_subversion_to_wandisco_1
> It basically clarifies that WANdisco participates in Subversion
> development the same way any other company does (by funding developers),
> and that WANdisco is *not* in some kind of official steering position in
> the Subversion project, whatever their statements might seem to imply.
> Needless to say, none of this affects the participation of WANdisco
> developers in the Subversion project in any way: they remain valued
> contributors, and their technical work will be treated with the same
> respect it always has been, regardless of what the marketing side of the
> company may slip into!
> Best,
> -Karl Fogel
>  ASF Member (Subversion PMC)

There have also been reactions by individuals in the community,
for instance by Ben-Collins Sussman
and Mark Phippard

Many thanks to all involved in drafting the offical response for the
ASF blog and keeping a cool head about this.


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