On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 6:30 PM, Cooke, Mark <mark.co...@siemens.com> wrote:

> Folks,
> I've split this out from previous thread
> (http://groups.google.com/group/trac-users/browse_thread/thread/f836f93b
> 25b8b275) as a more specific question:
> Why should changing the workflow in 0.11.7 require an environment
> upgrade?
> Background from the other thread: each env inherits a shared conf that
> then inherits a shared workflow file (using 'file = xxx' in the
> [inherit] section).  I am investigating why the workflow is not working
> in any env when I broke all my trac sites producing:
> <project-name>: Error
> (The Trac Environment needs to be upgraded. Run "trac-admin
> <project-path> upgrade")
> ...and the trac.log error:
> 2011-01-13 10:23:10,038 Trac[env] WARNING: Component
> <trac.ticket.default_workflow.ConfigurableTicketWorkflow object at
> 0x02B7AD50> requires environment upgrade
> AFAIK the workflow is self-contained I the ini file and should not
> affect the environment or database?
> I appreciate any insight you can offer,
> ~ mark c
> P.S. I will upgrade to 0.12, as soon as I have time to validate it,
> promise...

This is Subversion mailing list, can't figure out how your question is
related to Subversion

Vishwajeet Singh
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