> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Phippard [mailto:markp...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 2:58 PM
> Cc: Andy Levy; users@subversion.apache.org
> Subject: Re: What SVN command-line client distro should I get to work
> properly with SVN 1.4.x on the server?
> >> On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 14:07, KARR, DAVID (ATTSI) <dk0...@att.com>
> >> wrote:
> >> > I work on Windows with Cygwin.  In Eclipse, I can do SVN checkouts
> >> and
> >> > updates with the SVN on our server, which is running SVN 1.4.x.
>  I'm
> >> > doing this with the latest Subversive and connector.  I've been
> told
> >> > that after SVN 1.4.x, the "storage format" changed, so doing
> >> checkouts
> >> > and updates with a SVN client newer than 1.4.x would screw up the
> >> .svn
> >> > directories.
> >>
> >> Over the network RA layers (http, svn, svn+ssh), client & server
> >> versions can differ as long as they're both 1.x. A 1.0 client can
> talk
> >> to a 1.6 server, and vice versa.
> >>
> >> The *client-side* storage format has been changed in most 1.x
> >> releases, and it's a silent update, so if you're using multiple
> >> clients, all must be the same minor revision - you can't mix a 1.4 &
> >> 1.5 client on the same system, unless they operate on separate WCs.
> >>
> >> I suspect you're running into problems for at least one of the
> >> following reasons, if not both:
> >>
> >> 1) Your Eclipse plugin & command-line client are not the same minor
> >> version of Subversion.
> >> 2) The differences introduced by Cygwin to trick the SVN client into
> >> thinking it's in a *NIX environment are conflicting with the real
> >> Windows client that you have in Eclipse.
> >>
> >> > In fact, I think I've seen this happen.  I tried doing an update
> with
> >> my
> >> > SVN command-line client (I appear to have SVN 1.5.7, from
> CollabNet),
> >> in
> >> > a project that I work on in Eclipse, and when I refreshed my
> Eclipse,
> >> it
> >> > got so confused I eventually had to create a new workspace.
>  Working
> >> in
> >> > the old workspace gave me constant error dialogs from Subversive.
>  I
> >> > suppose it's possible this wasn't a storage format issue, but
> simply
> >> an
> >> > issue with updating the SVN state outside of Subversive.  I don't
> >> know.
> >> > I don't attempt checkouts or updates from the command line
> anymore.
> >> > Doing "svn diff" or other information queries works fine.
> >>
> >> Try dropping the Cygwin environment for a while and exclusively use
> >> Eclipse and the *native* Win32 client in the Windows Command Prompt.
> >> Your Subversive plugin must be based on the same Subversion version
> as
> >> your Win32 client.
> >
> > I included the fact that I'm using Cygwin just for completeness.  The
> SVN client I'm using is not part of Cygwin, it's from CollabNet.  The
> SVN version that claims to represent is 1.5.7, which is the SVN version
> that my Subversive connector claims to represent.  That tells me that I
> shouldn't be having a problem.  I guess I'll have to try again and see
> what happens.  Perhaps it's not a problem with SVN version mismatches.
>  I'll have to test this very carefully so I don't screw up my main
> workspace.  I guess I'll have to create another one just for this test.
> >
> The problem is that Subversive includes a bastardized version of what
> used to be called JavaSvn and that only reads/writes the SVN 1.4
> working copy format.  Change Subversive so that it is using JavaHL or
> the newer SVNKit and the problems will go away.  I would update the
> command line client and the Subversive connector so that it is using
> the latest SVN 1.6.x version available.

I'm currently using SVNKit 1.2.3 (for SVN 1.5.6) with Subversive. (I had said 
this was 1.5.7 earlier).

If I plan to change this connector to use the latest SVNKit, do I first have to 
delete all of my checked-out projects and check them out again after changing 
the connector?

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