On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 7:22 AM, Daniel Shahaf <d...@daniel.shahaf.name>wrote:

> Daniel Becroft wrote on Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 08:45:31 +1000:
> > After investigation, it seems that the path for LIBTOOL was defined
> > incorrectly. I had to change apr-util/build/rules.mk:38 from:
> >
> >     LIBTOOL=$(SHELL) $(top_builddir)/libtool
> > to
> >     LIBTOOL=$(SHELL) $(apr_builddir)/libtool
> >
> What version is that?  My 1.4.2 already says the latter.

I was using the 1.3.x branch of both apr and apr-util, because that's what
the error message from the ./configure script told me to get (line 4350).

I've switched both apr and apr-util to the 1.4.x branch, re-ran ./autogen.sh
and ./configure.sh, but still get the same results (extract of apr/build/
apr_rules.mk below).

Looks like it might be something on my machine.

Daniel B.

# Some layouts require knowing what version we are at.

LIBTOOL=$(SHELL) $(top_builddir)/libtool

> > I'm unfamiliar with how the configure scripts work, so I'm not sure if
> this
> > is a problem with the SVN scripts, APR scripts, or my system itself. If
> it's
> > one of the first two, then I'll report it to the appropriate list. Can
> > anyone provide any guidance?
> > ---
> > Daniel Becroft

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