Daniel Shahaf wrote:
What version did you upgrade to 1.6.15 from?

From a 1.6.4 installation.

Are there any svn-commit.tmp, svn-commit.2.tmp preexisting?

No, there are none. I double checked and deleted all *.tmp in the concerned directories.

What happens if you use the following script as your editor:

        echo "hi">  $1

That would be quite hard to do, as I'm experiencing this problem on a windows machine. Introducing cygwin to the problem probably won't be of much help.
Understanding what you are driving at, i used this Batch command script:

        @echo off
        echo Path test > %1

It yields the exact same result as the earlier mentioned true editors do.
svn-commit.tmp ends up one directory up from CWD and the 'svn ci'-process keeps asking me:

        Log message unchanged or not specified
        (a)bort, (c)ontinue, (e)dit:


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