
A Subversion server with a big repository was inherited to me recently
and I'm trying to figure out its configuration. We are using an old
version that we are going to upgrade as soon as we are confident that
we understand the current configuration and setup.

We have subversion 1.4.3 (r23084) installed on a SunOS.
The server configuration is  svnserve over SSH.

I have experience administering other source control tools, like
Perforce, ClearCase, MKS, PVCS, etc. on Unix and Windows.

I read the the book 'Version Control with Subversion' and I still have
some questions.

The authz file contains the following three lines. If I understood
correctly, svnadmin will have rw permissions to the whole repository
and the rest of the users will have read-only access.
But all users are able to 'checkout' and 'submit' files. So what are
these permissions really doing?

svnadmin = rw
* = r

I see the files svnserve.conf and authz on different subdirectories.
Shouldn't these files be only in the main or initial folders of the

Other questions that I have are:
- How can I get a full repository layout?
- How can I get the repository history since the revision 0 to the
- How can I get the list of revisions or commits for the whole
repository? I'm doing using 'svn log' but I only get the current
folder not recursive to the whole repo.

Also, I don't think I understand when a repository is a repository and
when it is a directory under that repository. I checked some of the
folders under the repository directory structure and I found that i
can follow the directory structure up to certain point and then I

For example:



I cannot follow using a normal "cd" command the directory level of
'trunk', 'branches' and 'tags'  in the repository directory. I only
have the folders conf, dav, db,format, hooks, locks, README.txt but
not 'branches', 'tags' and 'trunk'.

So, are main_folder1 and main_folder2 two different repositories or
only one under Repo_name?

Where I can find information about the database FSFS layout, schema
and design?

I'm sorry if this are silly questions, please let me know of any book
or other information that will help me understand better the
subversion whole system.

Thank you.
Monica Sanchez

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