> I have so SVN repos (subversion) and I use them with no proble. But
> when we do updates/commints on client (tortoise) we always get teh
> internal directories:
> conf
> dav
> db
> hooks
> locks
> format
> README.txt
> These es are internal and should not appear right? How do I remove
> this?

I assume these folder are in your repository. Just go into the repository 
browser in TortoiseSVn and delete the folders.


>  /etc/subversion/config   is as provided
> and my
>  /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.conf
> is more or less like this
> <Location /svn/>
>   DAV svn
>   SVNParentPath /svn
>   SVNListParentPath on
>   AuthType Basic
>   AuthName " Repos"
>   AuthUserFile /etc/subversion/zzzz
>   SSLRequireSSL
>   AuthzSVNAccessFile /etc/subversion/zzzz
>   Require valid-user
> </Location>
> Thanks is advance
> NC

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