
I'm using svn-version 1.4.6, apache version 2.2.8 on an ubuntu 8.04 LTS.
On the client side, mostly win xp with tortoisesvn.

The setup is using https and path-based-authorization and everything was
working fine.
Users are separated into different groups, not everyone has access
everywhere and on every repository.

The situation at hand. In the authorization file dav_svn.authz:



This setup worked until "foobar" got renamed into "foo bar". I want to give
also the @G_special access to the folder "foo bar".

How do I specify a folder with whitespaces in its name? Tried single quotes,
double quotes, %20 but to be honest it is irritating.
Simply don't know truly how the modules and apache interact and work,
therefore no clue how to specify the path in the auth-file.

It must be something simple. I hope you can help me or point me to
documentation that covers the necessary topics.

Thank you in advance,
Necati Mercan

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