On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 08:46:27AM +0100, Marco Burato wrote:
> >Have you seen this helper script? It might help.
> >https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/tools/client-side/svn-viewspec.py
> >
> >Having a feature like this in core svn would be nice, of course.
> >And it has in fact been discussed before. But nobody has stepped up yet
> >to finish the proposed design and implement it.
> >
> >See this mail and follow-ups (click on the tiny>>  arrows next to the
> >word "Thread" in the top-right corner to see them):
> >http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/subversion-dev/200911.mbox/%3cpine.bso.4.62.0911190340420.23...@uruz.rola.local%3E
> I see, so this feature is planned and is called "views", it was
> proposed more than a year ago.
> The script seems to do the trick but it can't be used with clients
> like TortoiseSVN.

Yes, that's the current situation.

However, it's not fair to say that it cannot be used with clients
like TortoiseSVN. The script requires a command line client to operate,
but what it does to a working copy is of course compatible with other
clients, including TortoiseSVN.

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